A resource for the savvy creative small business owner.

Blossom Blog


Creative small business

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One of the biggest mindset shifts I’m working on right now is this: Time off serves your business, not detracts from it.

4 Simple ways to prepare your creative small business for time off!

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When I wrote my brand values, I wanted to make sure they were a bit, well, ~different~. I wanted them to stand out against others and to be actionable for me as a business owner.

The story behind my quirky brand values

Flowers on an archway

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Writing good website copy is hard. Writing GREAT website copy is even harder and takes lots of practice. However, there are a few simple ways to upgrade your website copy today to make a notable difference in the way it looks, sounds, and converts browsers into inquiries or buyers.

5 Easy ways to upgrade your website copy

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While I’m not an expert or a career coach, I do have a few tips/thoughts on how to get started as a copywriter to share with you today:

How to Get Started as a Copywriter

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This year we moved into our first home! Take a tour of the space, and get tips for decorating yours on-brand.

Home Office Tour (plus tips for styling yours)

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I’ve made PLENTY of mistakes, but I’ve also done lots of things well. Here are the top 10 best things I did for my business this year:

The 10 Best Things I did for My Business this Year

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I personally can’t live without some semblance of a daily routine. I’ve been self-employed for about one year now, and this is the overarching routine I’ve created for myself:

My Daily Routine as a Self-Employed Copywriter

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As the saying goes, “Hindsight is 20/20.” Growing up, I never knew what I wanted to be. I really didn’t. My parents were in ministry, which wasn’t a fit for me, and I honestly didn’t know much about the professional world until I graduated college. I stumbled through a series of less than stellar jobs […]

Three Reasons I was Destined to be a Copywriter

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As I reflect on my last 12 months in business, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible clients I’ve gotten to work with and the incredible readers (that’s you) I’ve gotten to write to each week. Here are just a handful of the projects I’ve had the privilege of working on this year.

2021 Copy Roundup

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Today, I want to share a personal roundup of some of my favorite people, places, and things from the last 12 months. 

My 2021 Favorites